Personality/Health of Manx Cats
The Manx cat is highly intelligent breed of cats. They are very playful and can have bizarre behavior and can sometimes seem like a dog’s behavior. Some Manx cats, for instance, will fetch small objects like a dog when they are thrown. Manx cats love humans and are seen as a “social feline.” Manx cats, since they do like humans a lot, are an ideal breed for families and young children or even just people who want a cat companion. Some Manx cats tend to like water, and will frequently play in water, which is unlike many other cats, who will not want to go near water, unless they are forced to. Manx cats are easy to wash and clean because they like water and are easy to keep hygienic, unlike many cats. Manx cats can also learn simple commands, just like dogs, but not as complex. Ocicat and Bengal cats can also learn simple commands like a Manx cat. When there are multiple Manx cats in one household the Manx cats will chase each other and basically anything else that moves like a leaf in the wind or any other animals. They are very playful that way. The Manx cat meow resembles a long, monotone grunt or a rapid chirping. The Manx cat though, does not meow all that often and is usually very quiet.
A Manx cat also likes to explore what is around them, like many other cats, They will spend every moment they can investigating the world as much as they can. They will never also be the type of cat that will just sit there and sleep all day. They will always be around and want to play with you. They were known in the past to be extremely good hunters and be able to take down large prey.They are also knownto take down rodents and keep the problem away, so sometimes they are sought by farmers for that purpose.
Manx cats have a couple of health problems, but none of them will affect the Manx cat’s ability to be a loving cat for years to come.Some Manx cats acquire “Manx Syndrome,” where the cat’s mutant tailless gene shortens the spine too much. This leads to serious damage to the spinal cord and nerves causing an incomplete spinal cord. This disease also causes problems with the bowels, bladder, and digestion for the Manx cat. Some of the Manx cats with this syndrome only live to three years old. The oldest recorded case of a Manx cat with “Manx Syndrome” lived to five years old. A study done on Manx cats found that “Manx Syndrome” affect about 20% of Manx cats. There are errors in this survey, however. The study only used Manx cats with “rumpy” tails, where these cats have this disease have the most extreme physical Manx cat traits. Actual occurrences of this disease are rare in modern Manx cats, which is partly due to breeding of the Manx cats selectively. Many times, breeders will keep the Manx kittens for up to four months, so that if they have any health or medical problems they can be identified beforehand. Many Manx cat experts will find that Manx cats, since they are old and historic, have made us more numb to the abnormalities the Manx cats have. The Manx cats may also have the disease known as Spina Bifida, which is gaps in the vertebrae, due to the no tail in the cat.
A normal health Manx cat will live to its mid to upper teens and is no less health than any other cat, they are not short lived cats. Like any other cat, a Manx cat should be kept indoors, neutered or spayed, and providing something for the cat to scratch ion is essential to a long healthy Manx cat. Though Manx cats have no tails that still seem to have perfect balance, unlike what many people might believe. These cats are typically adored by everyone. If you’re not sure about one, just try visiting one at your local animal shelter and see for yourself!